PRAYER LETTERS from Lea & Louise Little during their Japan years.
1-16 Anabatake, Minato Machi
Hachinohe Shi, Aomori Ken, Japan
March 19, 1956
Dear Praying Friends,
“Praying always with all prayer and supplication in the Spirit, and watching thereunto with all perseverance and supplication for all saints.” Eph. 6:18
Being assured that many of you are doing what this verse says we write again with prayer requests for our work and for ourselves rejoicing that there are faithful friends at home who ARE praying for us.
We have begun to look for a new house in a more central area. This one is too far out for visitors and for services and in the winter and during rain the roads are very bad. In our area housing is scarce and we have been told many times there just are no houses for rent. In some cases owners are willing to move out and live with relatives for the sake of the rent we will pay. Maybe this is the solution. If the Lord wants us to move He will provide but I think not without prayer and effort on our part.
The tent campaign is now planned for early June instead of May as mentioned in the last letter. In the central area of our district there is only one small lot suitable for a tent. Pray that this may be made available.
Mr. Umezu, the furniture man, has moved from this area to another area of the city where a missionary friend of ours is working. He still says he wants to believe.
Lea, and our oldest boy Philip go to Tokyo next week. Lea writes a language exam on the 28th. Learning a language is largely a matter of memory work so pray for the ability to remember. Philip has a tonsillectomy on Apr. 2-4, the date is not certain. Lea has a small nose operation and dentistry.
Louise and Dale, our youngest, go to Aomori City on the 24th to await the arrival of the baby during the latter half of April. Our Mission doctor will be in Aomori City at that time. Louise has been having intestinal trouble which is either as the result of weakness from the amoebic dysentery she had in China or is a new attack of dysentery. She is taking a series of tests at an US Army clinic near by. Pray with us that it may not be a new attack of dysentery since convalescence with a new baby could be long and trying.
Thank you for your faithful prayers,
Sincerely yours,
Lea and Louise Little
Hachinohe Shi, Aomori Ken, Japan
March 19, 1956
Dear Praying Friends,
“Praying always with all prayer and supplication in the Spirit, and watching thereunto with all perseverance and supplication for all saints.” Eph. 6:18
Being assured that many of you are doing what this verse says we write again with prayer requests for our work and for ourselves rejoicing that there are faithful friends at home who ARE praying for us.
We have begun to look for a new house in a more central area. This one is too far out for visitors and for services and in the winter and during rain the roads are very bad. In our area housing is scarce and we have been told many times there just are no houses for rent. In some cases owners are willing to move out and live with relatives for the sake of the rent we will pay. Maybe this is the solution. If the Lord wants us to move He will provide but I think not without prayer and effort on our part.
The tent campaign is now planned for early June instead of May as mentioned in the last letter. In the central area of our district there is only one small lot suitable for a tent. Pray that this may be made available.
Mr. Umezu, the furniture man, has moved from this area to another area of the city where a missionary friend of ours is working. He still says he wants to believe.
Lea, and our oldest boy Philip go to Tokyo next week. Lea writes a language exam on the 28th. Learning a language is largely a matter of memory work so pray for the ability to remember. Philip has a tonsillectomy on Apr. 2-4, the date is not certain. Lea has a small nose operation and dentistry.
Louise and Dale, our youngest, go to Aomori City on the 24th to await the arrival of the baby during the latter half of April. Our Mission doctor will be in Aomori City at that time. Louise has been having intestinal trouble which is either as the result of weakness from the amoebic dysentery she had in China or is a new attack of dysentery. She is taking a series of tests at an US Army clinic near by. Pray with us that it may not be a new attack of dysentery since convalescence with a new baby could be long and trying.
Thank you for your faithful prayers,
Sincerely yours,
Lea and Louise Little